If you are looking for a reliable waterproof rotary isolator switch manufacturer in China, look no further than ICHYTI. You can trust us to provide high-quality products from our factory, along with excellent after-sales service and on-time delivery. Shop with confidence knowing that you are in good hands. ICHYTI value every Inquiry Sent To Us, Ensure Quick Competitive Offer. ICHYTI Are A Sales Team, With All Technical Support From Engineer Team. waterproof rotary isolator switch https://youtu.be/0oMP02HazMY ICHYTI(公司品牌) waterproof rotary isolator switch Introduction China Suppliers ICHYTI(公司品牌) Discount waterproof rotary isolator switch is a closed isolation switch with a DC current capacity of 1000V and 32A, specifically designed for the installation of solar power generation systems. waterproof rotary isolator switch is usually installed between the solar panel array and the inverter on the roof to isolate the photovoltaic panel array during system installation or maintenance. waterproof rotary isolator switch has a waterproof rating of IP66 and is suitable for outdoor use. ICHYTI(公司品牌) waterproof rotary isolator switch Parameter (Specification) ICHYTI(公司品牌) waterproof rotary isolator switch Feature 1. Choosing a load breaker that can handle up to 8 times the rated current is ideal for isolating the motor. 2. The switch has a high IP66 rating. 3. This is a non-polarized DC isolation switch. 4. It is strongly recommended to ensure that the cover is closed. 5. The switch is of type DC-PV1 DC-PV2 DC-21B. 6. The large blue handle is lockable. ICHYTI(公司品牌) waterproof rotary isolator switch Details IP66 waterproof: High impact strength, good toughness, good pollution resistance Multiple inlet holes: The four ends of the product are respectively provided with two knock down holes. which are used for incoming and outgoing lines after being broken ICHYTI(公司品牌) waterproof rotary isolator switch Dimensions and wiring
Txinako Hornitzaileak ICHYTI Discount iragazgaitza den etengailu birakaria isolatzaile itxi bat da, 1000V eta 32A-ko DC korronte-ahalmena duena, eguzki-energia sortzeko sistemak instalatzeko bereziki diseinatua. Etengailu isolatzaile birakaria iragazgaitza eguzki-panelaren eta teilatuko inbertsorearen artean instalatu ohi da panel fotovoltaikoen multzoa sistemaren instalazioan edo mantentze-lanetan isolatzeko. etengailu isolatzaile birakaria iragazgaitza IP66 iragazgaitza du eta kanpoko erabilerarako egokia da.
Produktu Eredua |
DS1EL-S32 |
Isolamendu-tentsio nominala Ui |
1500V |
Berokuntza-korronte nominala Ithe |
32A |
Poloa |
4P |
Bulkada-jasateko tentsio nominala Uimp |
8000V |
Iraupen laburreko korronte nominala(ls) lew |
1000A |
Zirkuitulaburrak egiteko ahalmen nominala Icm |
1000A |
Laneko Tenperatura |
-40âã+ 85°C |
Bizitza mekanikoa |
10.000 aldiz |
Iragazgaitza kalifikazioa |
IP66 |
◉ Korronte nominala 8 aldiz eraman dezakeen karga etengailu bat hautatzea aproposa da motorra isolatzeko.
◉ Etengailuak IP66 balorazio altua du.
◉ Hau polarizatu gabeko DC isolamendu etengailua da.
◉ Gomendagarria da estalkia itxita dagoela ziurtatzea.
◉ Etengailua DC-PV1 DC-PV2 DC-21B motakoa da.
◉ Helduleku urdin handia blokeagarria da.
◉ IP66 iragazgaitza: talkaren indar handia, gogortasun ona, kutsaduraren erresistentzia ona.
◉ Sarrera-zulo anitz: produktuaren lau muturrek, hurrenez hurren, bi deformazio-zulo dituzte. hautsi ondoren sarrerako eta irteerako lerroetarako erabiltzen direnak.